
Education for Kindergarten is in bilingual designated to foreign teacher and local teacher in every classroom. Students will learn English in natural ways to absorb and organize language as toddlers learning their mother tongue. We emphasize in phonics to ensure the right pronunciation and accent. Teacher to student ratio is 1 to 10 - 12 for the  effectiveness of child development in every aspects: 

  • Physical: To grow physically healthy, develop gross and fine motor skills, promote sensory coordination, establish healthy habit.
  • Emotion, Mind, and Social:  To have mentally healthy, cheerful mood, self-caring, getting along with peers,  discipline, responsibility, moral and ethics.
  • Intelligence:  Learning languages, observing, thinking, memorize, problem solving, logic, creativity, self learning habit.


Morals, ethics, and Thai cultures are basic keys in child development.  We emphasize on joyful learning, systematic thinking by implement innovative education technique from abroad as below:

  • Froebel
  • Montessori
  • High/Scope
  • Project Approach
  • Whole Langauge


Aside from base curriculum, the school provides variety of activities to fit with children ages and interests as follows:

  • English
  • Science Experimental
  • Computer
  • Music and Keyboard
  • Swimming
  • Cooking
  • Gymnastic
  • Outdoor Activity
  • Field Trip

Educational Media and Accessories

For child safety, all educational media and accessories will be inspected that is safe for children such as non-toxic play dough.